Please join us in celebrating the Lit and Mind specializers for 2021! This informal event is open to all, with special recognition given to those that have completed their coursework to receive the Lit and Mind specialization certificate from the English department this year.
We would like to acknowledge and introduce these wonderful students to our larger community, so if you are specializing please be prepared to say a few words about yourself and/or your research interests during this online celebration. Are you an undergraduate working on a specialization on Literature and Mind and about to graduate? Then please consider presenting your work at this event. If you are interested in sharing your work, there are a wide arrange of things you could do. You could for example read a section from a paper you've written that you like, share creative work of yours, share a passage from an author that really struck with you, or reflect on ideas you have learned through Lit and Mind classes. The presentations should be 3-5 minutes and will be followed by informal discussion.
If you are interested in presenting, please send us an email at, or to Professor Carlson (, Maddie (, or Aili (
Zoom link
Aili Pettersson Peeker is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Lit and Mind Undergrad Celebration
Time: Jun 1, 2021 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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